Meet Carlos Andres Arias

Over the years I have found that there is no greater satisfaction than helping others discover their purpose and achieve their dreams. That is why I have dedicated my life to serving different groups of society for more than 25 years. My dream and vision are that each person could be Complete and can have the necessary tools and guidance to achieve it.
It is this search to help each person and give the best of myself, I have had the privilege of associating with John C Maxwell, to be able to transfer his principles and experience, which I share and are very aligned with what has been my desire to Complete One person at a time.
Now I am in a mission to provide leadership, Personal Growth and Inspire people so they can maximize their potential. There is not greater mission for me. There is not hinger goal than to help others realize their significance, potential and fulfill their dreams. That’s why I’ve dedicate my life to what I believe I would be able to do: To Teach. Providing tools, that help individual achieve their goals.

I do so through motivating workshops, seminars, insightful keynote speeches and compassionate coaching & mentoring – all to encourage personal and professional growth. These goals, objectives and desired outcomes are achieved through a series of leadership & Personal Growth programs that teach the foundational principles of “value,” “care” and “influence.”
I am a husband, parent, author, speaker, coach & trainer dedicated to help people maximize their full potential. I am an Independent internationally certified Speaker, Coach and Mentor the recognized Maxwell Leadership company since 2018. Actually, I live in Rockville, Maryland, with my wife Laura and two sons: Benjamin and Santiago.

Born in Bogota, Colombia. Where soccer and a professional team Millonarios was famous.
Ten years old. Growing and passioned about sports, racing skating & soccer. My dad lack of experience with a Natural athlete. On his own words he said: “I burned your racing skating career.”
Got introduce to many sports such swimming, karate, tennis & continue with soccer. I was 14 years old undecided what sport to become professional.
Made the decision to Played soccer in inferior division in Millonarios as well as tennis in a Team in “Confenalco (Public sports Club)
At age of 16. After batting in my thoughts and emotions, decide to dedicate my life to tennis and persuade a professional career..
At age of 17. Move to the United States -Delray Beach Florida. To practice at Rick Macci Tennis Academy. Left my secondary education to come to the states, improve my tennis and learn English.
Back to Colombia to play professional tournaments, ITF ATP around the country. Continue practicing, finished my High School and continue with my tennis career.
Played more professional tennis in Colombia & USA. Began my preparation of becoming a fulltime Christian missionary (Pastor) with my mentor Rev. Luis Bernardo Castano
Receive a full scholarship at the University of Nebraska at Kearny. Study Political Science and International Studies. Played as a number one for singles and Doubles.
As part of my academic responsibilities, open a campus ministry, became part of student Senate, and continue representing the University as a Tennis player.
First trip to Israel, where I meet who is today my wife. Continue Living in Kearney Nebraska.
Graduate from Political Science International studies. Move to Los Angeles, California. In which I did an internship with a faith base nonprofit organization, studding and serving the impact of nonprofit in the world, while I dedicate my life to full time
pastor. -
Move to Chile to do Pastoral mission. Lived in Concepcion, Chile leading with Alejandra Moreno the local church ; opening mission in close region Temuco ; Cabrero, Chile. For six months got married. Got married and traveled one more time to Israel with my wife Alejandra Moreno. We called “Work-Honeymoon” with a group of 10 pilgrims from our region in Chile and total of 400 pilgrims in total with Rev. Luis B Castano my mentor and Pastor.
Move to Chicago, Illinois as lead Pastors with his wife. Lead remotely the international youth vision; curriculum of the organization youth program.
Continue as lead pastor in Chicago. My first son Benjamin Arias was born.
2009 -2015
Move to Linden New Jersey to lead as the Director of an international Campus ministry, leading United State, Canada, and Puerto Rico with headquarters in Linden New
Jersey. -
Founded a foundation called: “Foundation Our Responsibility” to promote education, social awareness, and community leadership. Open a humanitarian program sponsoring children Education in Uganda with Rev. Luis B Castano as a via to open the door to a local church planting.
Move to DMV area (Washington DC- Maryland & Virginia) To lead the church in VA. Lead the vision and mission of youth organization Internationally remotely. Continue as a director of Foundation Our Responsibility.
Got certified as a Speaker, Coach, Mentor; Trainer with John Maxwell. Expand the church to MD locally and continue with the branch in Falls Church VA.
Travel to Uganda to supervise the opening of the educational program I launched with Rev. Luis B Castano. Left pastoral position of 20 years at organization to continue my vision, mission, purpose.
During the pandemic, Founded Complete International to continue my life vision and mission to provide Leadership Development, Personal Growth, and Inspiration to the eight streams of influence.
During this year I launched through Complete International “Holy Land Experience” (a Trip to connect with the faith in Jesus) became an Author, I published my first book “Ruta a la Plenitud” Moreover, I launched a youth initiative in Colombia: “Inspire Hope at Christmas.” Bringing hope to children in vulnerable conditions.
Launched “El poder del Minuto” (The power of a Minute in Spanish Edition) A Free Daily coaching video on Leadership Personal growth.
Launched an online Platform Complete Academy with a mentorship program: “Club de Impactor” (Spanish Edition)